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Body Love

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Raise your hand if you have been personally victimized by diet culture. Oh cool..so all of us? Diet culture has manipulated us into becoming insecure about our bodies. By keeping people insecure and fearful, we are more likely to try the newest diet in the hopes that it will work or buy the newest product in the hopes that it will make us love ourselves.

Newsflash: no product, diet, etc., can give you that. You see, you are chasing a feeling. That is what you want to call in: self-love, freedom, happiness, health, and so forth. The system we thought was supposed to work doesn’t. It only disconnects you from your true self.

Body Love is a course designed to help you unlearn years of conditioning. I want you to have a loving, kind, and respectful relationship with your body. I know what it feels like to not feel good in your skin. I also know what it feels like to feel good in your skin. You have one damn life, and it pains me to see women not feeling good enough. It is time to figure out what makes YOU feel good and happy.

 The course is pre-recorded and yours forever. It is technically a 4-week course, but go at your own pace! Trust your intuition and do what feels good. 

 In this course, we will:

  • Get clear on your why and what you truly desire.
  • Look at your shadow self. This will help you understand how you really feel.
  • Explore the mind and its power. You must change your thoughts to change your reality.
  • Release old thinking.
  • Discover the real truth…the REAL you. Not who you "think" you are.
  • Become friends with food.
  • Go over food freedom & intuitive eating.
  • Tap into abundance.
  • Connect with your future self.
  • Build new habits. I will teach you how.
  • Practice celebrating.
  • Go over the importance of self-care.
  • BONUS: 1 free group coaching session

 This is just a brief outline. The course has 10 modules in total. Video content. Audio content. Journal prompts. Meditations. Workbooks. & More!

 This class is for those who are ready to say f*ck diet culture. It is for those who are tired of not feeling happy with their inner and outer self. It is for the person who has been a yo-yo dieter for the majority of their life, and it is just not working. It is for the person who is ready to step into their power and heal. This person is ready to stop playing the victim in their lives and wants to start consciously creating their reality. Body Love members will release old, outdated beliefs and step into new, empowering beliefs.

Are you ready to commit and build a loving relationship with yourself? 

What People Are Saying:

Since I started working with you I have seen a change in my life. I was so scared of myself and I had forgotten who I was. I was literally a train wreck. It took me a while to really understand everything we talked about and how I need to listen to my intuition, my body, and my mind. I have lost weight, I’m more confident, and I’m trying to work out and meditate more. However, what I learned from all this is that I really need to listen to myself and I have all the answers that I’m looking for. Thank you for helping me realize that and you would always tell me, “This is all you, I’m just here to help you realize that.” Whoever has the chance and honor to work with, will forever be grateful for giving themselves the chance to change. Thank you for being you and thank you for helping me realize how strong of a woman I am!


Autumn taught me the importance of self-growth and how to turn to different outlets to search for answers. The work starts with YOU, and it's our responsibility to take care of our body/mind/soul. No one else is going to do that work for you, besides you.

Bianca P.

I was the girl that was afraid to eat anything because of this perpetual fear of gaining weight fostered by old narratives from my pre-teen and high school years. I was the girl that thought you always have to solve your problems by yourself and asking for help is a sign of weakness. I was the girl that thought meditation and affirmations were meaningless. The person I am today is not the same person I was 6 months ago. I have learned so much from Autumn and so much about myself and who I want to be. Autumn taught me so many incredibly meaningful ways to tap into my own power and become my own best advocate. She gave me the tools to not cover up, but actually heal my old wounds. My confidence as a woman and my ability to embrace my vulnerability in the past 6 months has entirely shifted. I no longer define myself by old stories. Autumn is exponentially wise beyond her years. She has the ability to understand and communicate with her clients in a way that I have never experienced. In every single session we had together, I always felt that I could trust her. I cannot wait to see how her work continues to grow.

Nika B.

The mindset shift Autumn has created for myself to follow has been a game changer. I have more energy, and clarity on what my goals are, and never felt so confident with my inner + physical self.

Candice B.

After working with Autumn, I have never felt more in touch with my body and intuition or more grounded in my own being. I now recognize just how powerful I am and how much control I have over how I feel and the ability to call in the things I want and need. While I was originally expecting to just focus on food, we were really able to transform my relationship with food by transforming my relationship with myself and healing so many of the things I was using food and negativity towards my body to mask.

Kennedy R.

I wish I could share a transformation photo but you can’t capture internal changes externally. My heart, mind, and soul are forever shifted from this experience. Autumn's wisdom, intuition, and practical recommendations made me feel safe and helped me get to the next chapter of my life.

Holly S.